
Literary Voice does not charge any publication/article processing fee. However, in order to defray recurring expenses on web hosting and administration, editorial and review activities, formatting, indexing, permanent archiving and preservation of contents, DOI registration etc., a nominal fee of Rs. 1500 will be charged only after an article is recommended for publication. The published articles will be made freely accessible under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 License.


Literary Voice: An International Peer Reviewed Journal of English Studies published in January aims to promote healthy, constructive, critical and interpretative writings on literary issues and trends, and provides a publication platform for the talented young research scholars and emerging new voices in the genres of poetry and fiction globally. Besides Book Reviews, Poems and Interviews with writers, we publish research articles of contributors from all over the world, on various facets and genres of literature, literary criticism, linguistics and ELT.

Guidelines for the Authors

The articles/papers must conform to the guidelines enunciated in MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (8th Edition). The first page must contain Title or Sub-Title of the Research Paper, with a brief abstract of the paper (150 words appx.) and Keywords, Name of Author(s), Designation, Official Address and E-mail Address. The manuscripts must be in Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12 and justified, Line spacing: single spaced and submitted only in MS Word Latest Version. The size of articles/ papers should be around 4000 words inclusive of Works Cited.

Deadline for Submissions

Research Papers/Book Reviews/Poems for January Online edition of LV will be accepted for consideration till November 7. We reserve the right for early closure of submissions before the notified deadlines. Submissions be sent by e-mail at along with the declaration that the submission is original, unpublished, free from plagiarized material and not submitted elsewhere. Submission e-mail must include the statement claiming that you have read the submission guidelines and agree to the policy of the journal. The submissions comprising Quotations in languages other than English, must be accompanied by translation in English within the text in parentheses.