Subverting the Difference: Reading Roja Singh's Spotted Goddess as a Dalit Testimonio
testimonio, Dalit, caste, lived experience, violence, narrativesAbstract
Accurately capturing the lived experiences of the oppressed within broader historical and social settings is the cornerstone of testimonio, a genre serving to bear witness to oppression and catalyse social change. The central premise of Roja Singh’s insightful testimonio Spotted Goddesses: Dalit Women's AgencyNarratives on Caste and Gender Violence asserts the inherent connection between misogyny, sexual domination, and the caste system. While engaging contemplatively with Singh's personal journey, the lived experiences reveal that caste-based violence is systemic and that Dalit women embody the "difference" that makes them distinct and untouchable. The paper explores how the testimonial narratives illustrate the way caste undermines the dignity of the oppressed, and it highlights the unwavering determination and tenacity of Dalit women who seek justice against caste hierarchy. It concludes by demonstrating how, despite all the obstacles, Dalit women form alliances with organisations and government authorities to elevate their standard of living and, ultimately, build a democratic and equitable society for the future generations of Dalit children.

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